Saturday, June 12, 2010

Things to come

I gave a speech a few days ago to a high school stagecraft class. It was a unique experience as I don't normally speak to large groups. Anyway, as most of you know I have a back injury so the updates have been a little spotty at best BUT i am cleared to work some now so I am planning the website and beginning the BUSTER!!!! I can't wait because I have figured out ways to make it electronic as well as animated. If my plan works out I should be able to make it vibrate (charging), pop up heat vents, and light up. It will be a few weeks but I will try and keep everyone posted.

Friday, June 4, 2010

OH yea this is SOOOOO SEXY!!!!

So I know I have been out for a while with the back thing and just today I found that I am going to have to do EVEN more but I had to do something today so I put one of the last finishing touches on NIMH. Yes I named the bike and to hell with you if you don't like it. My next treatment is gonna be a Light bike motif to honor the new upcoming TRON movie.

This is the front of him so far. The shield is going to be repainted due to personal belief changes.

This is his side and believe me it looks and feels just as sexy as the picture. Last but not least; two things. Here is the tank detail----

ANNNNDDDDD..... I am in the process of switching insurance companies because my current one sucks. I was attempting to get the bike on the same insurance as my house, truck, car, etc... so my policy and payment would be lower and I found out that I own one of the top FIVE bikes that insurance companies hate to insure because of the types of people who own them! That is amazing and awesome as well as expensive but ah well.......totally worth it.