Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shop Blog Day 1

I've been noticing a rather large rift in the entertainment community in reference to cosplayers. there's a lot of drive to do really good props, but not a lot of decent tech to be able to pull off the props that people want.

Cosplayers tend to have a lot of drive matched with not a lot of money and the unfortunate part of that equation is that a lot of the mainstream prop shops charge an arm and a leg for not much.

I started Dark Productions because of that fact and because I wanted people to be able to have decent quality props without spending a ridiculous amount of money. But where to start? Because in any props job, you have to understand what your client is looking for. If you can find what they want without ripping them off, then people end up respecting you. And out of that respect people will start to respond to your work. So, being one for shameless self-promotion, I decided to start off my company building the Portal companion cubes from the Valve game Portal. It is a 5"x5" cube made out of paintable resin and cast out of a silicone mold. This is important because it keeps my production costs low, which means my customer's value is my primary concern. This is causes a lot of prop shops problems, because they make custom orders, which is where you run into ridiculous amounts of money. Dark Productions does custom work, but at the same time, we also sell a lot of quantity production video game props. For the consumer this means that we can keep costs low while at the same time giving them the highest quality product available.

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